دراسات العدد الاقتصادي
Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 85-102

The Covid-19 Pandemic And Its Impact On Profitability: Case Study Of Companies Listed In Amman Stock Exchange During The Years (2019 – 2020)

Authors : Associate Professor Dr. Ashraf Ismael Al-adwan . Associate Professor Dr. Basel Yousef Al-shaer .


Abstract: This current study seeks to identify the impact of the global pandemic Covid-19 on the companies listed in Amman Stock Exchange, and to identify the opportunities and challenges facing different types of companies globally and in Jordan in particular. The researchers go through a thorough examination of how Jordan was affected by Covid-19, how Amman Stock Exchange was affected by it, and how companies dealt with it. This study also depended on analyzing the review and recommendations of previous research that’s been done on the same topic of Covid-19’s effect on businesses, which were published in refereed scientific journals during the period from 2019-2022. This study selected different companies from the Amman Stock Exchange list and analyzed their annual reports and taking into account their profitability difference before and after the global pandemic. The results showcase that many companies were indeed affected by the pandemic, and other companies managed to minimize the side effects and survive this crisis. The researchers contributed many recommendations including: companies must have a strategic plan: the most important part of overcoming a crisis or any business-related issue is having a strategic plan that requires a step-by-step guide for solving this issue/crisis.


Covid-19, Profitability, Amman Stock Exchange, Jordan.