مجلة اقتصاد المال و الأعمال
Volume 7, Numéro 4, Pages 133-152

Investing In Energy Or Ict For More Productivity In Algeria?

Authors : Belghomari Wassila .


This study aims to analyze and highlight the impact of investment in information, communication technology and energy on the total productivity of the industrial sector in Algeria. It is considered one of the most important elements of economic growth for governments and institutions with their various tasks. This is as a way to catch up with globalization and achieve economic integration by strengthening the connection to global communication networks, along with the access to energy sources for industry. Aswe have concluded a broader concept of investment in the technology sector, the energy sector through Addressing a standard study to find out the impact of each of them on productivity and comparing the results to reach a conclusion in order to come up with important recommendations on the subject.


Productivity, energy, ICT, industry