المجلة الدولية للاتصال الاجتماعي
Volume 10, Numéro 3, Pages 24-35

The Role Of Public Media In Achieving Social Responsibility Of Algerian Youth

Authors : Ali Guechi Lotfi . Gheddar Nour El Islem .


Abstract: Many young people in the Arab world today suffer from the marginalization and lack of attention and care that governments and countries are supposed to provide to this important group of society. In particular, 70% of the human makeup of Arab societies are young people who are exposed daily to a large number of media messages that differ in content and its objectives, but the reality indicates that this category, despite the breadth of the category is fragile and easy to influence them, which requires great attention by the local and regional media In this paper, we have tried to understand the mechanisms or mechanisms of influence on youth segment used by the Algerian media in the public sector in an attempt to understand their social responsibilities and their own privacy and to provide them with the appropriate material to serve them. Through this theoretical paper, we will try to highlight the importance and role of the Algerian public media in its diversity (audiovisual-visual-written) to know their interest in this category, especially in recent years, where the country has known changes on more than one level.


Media ; Public media ; Social responsability ; Youth ; Algeria