Volume 10, Numéro 3, Pages 455-472

The Battle Of Kadesh And Its Impact On The Ancient Near East

Authors : Merigui Tarek .


The ancient Near East enjoys a very important strategic location, which led its civilizational components to a civilized take-off that differentiated among themselves and their genius in the fields of literary and scientific contributions, and friction with each other led to the exchange of experiences that reached the point of economic competition and control of the Mediterranean basin, and through the invasions of the Hyksos of the Egyptian civilization and the invasions of the peoples of the sea to the necessity of imposing political control, and expanding the geographical area, and this is what Anatolia witnessed at the beginning and later led to the military confrontation between the Hittites and the Egyptians It ended with a famous battle called "Kadesh" and this battle embodied the imposition of peace because the forces of the conflict are equal, and this incident has brought about a change in the Near East and the completion of the pillars of the city's state system on the Phoenician civilization, and the question that arises to what extent did this incident change the political and military events on the map of the Near East? To answer the question, the events of the conflict must be presented and studied according to a historical and analytical approach.


Egyptian State ; Hittite state ; Near East ; Battle of Kadesh ; Peace Treaty