مجلة الرسالة للدراسات والبحوث الإنسانية
Volume 8, Numéro 3, Pages 26-36

Colonial Voices Between Post-colonial And Imperial Minds

Authors : Himri Sarra . Grazib Mohamed . Chaami Amine .


As a clear response to the long-standing mis-representation and marginality in most of the colonizer’s writings, post-colonial authors either from Francophone or Anglophone worlds try their best to stand harshly against all stereotypes and distorted images they have, and for a long time, been stigmatized by. In doing so, they invest all their efforts as well as creativity to break the cycle of unbearable silence and fight back their marginality to retrieve their respectable position yet dignity again. This can be achieved through re-telling the [hi]story by their own voice. The aim of this article is to shed more lights on the voice of truth through conducting a comparative study as far as the story of the colonizer and the colonized is concerned, because relying on one story leads to neglecting the other one. That is why, it is quite important to take both stories into consideration in order to reach the so-called a balance of stories.


Colonized ; Colonizer ; [Hi]story ; Post-colonialism ; Voice of truth