Beam Journal of Economic Studies
Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 297-312

The Particularities Of Family Business Governance: The Nca-rouiba Case

Authors : Kherraf Houria .


The objective of this article is to try to analyze the particularities of the governance of family businesses. to do this, we have studied the case of a family business which is in its third generation. through this article, we try to show what makes the family business and its governance particular. For family businesses, the benefits of governance are twinned, as in addition to the advantages of having a recognized governance system for all businesses, there is an accent on organizational and family harmony. Through this article it appeared that in family business, because of the influence that the family exerts on the governance of the company through the control of the property, the board of directors, it is necessary to set up family governance structures which would make it possible to manage the family relations.


family business ; corporate governance ; board of directors ; family governance ; family council