Volume 10, Numéro 4, Pages 81-97

Social And Psychological Care For The Child In Kindergarten A Field Study Of Some Kindergartens In City Of Saida In Algeria

Authors : Rezaiguia Helima . Benhacene Zina .


The study aimed to reveal the role of kindergarten in achieving the psychological and social development of the child, the reality of the programs and means established to achieve this and the role of nannies in achieving the proper upbringing of the child. The descriptive approach using the content analysis method was used in analysing and interpreting various data and dimensions related to the role of kindergartens in achieving social and psychological care for the child. The results showed after analysis and interpretation that the kindergarten has an effective role in achieving the psychological and social development of the child through the availability of appropriate means and programs for this, and that the educator has an important role in achieving psychological and social care, and this confirms the achievement of the main objective of the study, which is that kindergartens have a role in achieving the proper upbringing of the child.


Social care ; Psychological care ; Child ; Kindergarten ; Social development