Communication science et technologie
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 17-26

Solution Of Linear Elastostatic Plane Problems By The Meshless Local Petrov-galerkin Method.

Authors : A. Sahli. . O. Rahmani . A. Bourdim .


The Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method is adopted 10 solve plane strain/stress solid mechanics problems. The MLPG method requires only a sel of nodes both for the interpola/ion of the solution variables and the evaluation of various integrais appearing in the problem formulation. The MLPG formulation including the moving least squares method, the choice (4 the weight fonction, the local symmetric weak form (LSWF), and the discretization of the weak form are presented. A code based on the MLPG method is developed, and three numerical examples, namely, a cantilever beam loaded by tangential tractions at the unclamped edge, an infinite plate with a circular hole subjected 10 a uniform tensile force al infinity, and a hollow circular cylinder subjected to a pressure on the inner surface are demonstrated to validate the developed code.


Moving least squares (MLS) approximation: Weightfunction; Local