Communication science et technologie
Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 125-132

La Generation Automatique Des Plans De Coupe - Cas D'une Decoupe Quelconque -

Auteurs : M . Zennaki . S. Saadouni .


Cutting Stock Problerns (which are NP-hard), have numerous applications in operations research (iron, stee glass, wood, paper." industry) and in studies of computer operation (rnultiprogrammed computer systems mu ltiprocessor systems). The crucial step in this problcm is generating activities (cutting models), especially when we have a non guillotine cutting. This kind of problem aiso called Placing problcm have several rnethods: "Bottom Left" "Best Fit", "Difference Process" ... We propose an algorithm of generating activities using "Difference process" method which guarantei improved non-guillotin activities.

Mots clés

Combinatorial Optimization, Integer Linear Programming, Cutting Stock Problem, Guillotine and non-guillotine cutting, Placing Problem, Difference Process, Best Fit, Bottom left