Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 31-48

The Nonnegotiable Solution Of Self-determination Through Referendum To Western Sahara People

Authors : Debeche Ismail .


The International Court of Justice judged on October 16th, 1975 that Morocco’s historical claims relating to the Western Sahara were unfounded and that the sahrawi people have the right to a referendum of self-determination, in accordance with resolution 1514 of the United Nations of 1960. Algeria and Mauritania which withdrew itself from the territories that it occupied opt for a peaceful solution in order to preserve security, stability and borders. With the emergence of liberalism, capitalism and market economy, Morocco is not any more a priority for the great powers. Indeed, taking into account the intensification of their political, economic and strategic co-operation with the countries in favour of the sahrawi people’s self-determination, the United States following the example of Great Britain, should commit themselves concretely to setting-up international legitimacy by privileging the holding of a referendum whereas Spain and France position remains confused because of their privileged economic and political relations with the kingdom of Morocco. Fifty three africains countries support the Western Sahara in order to maintain peace, security and stability in the area.


Western Sahara, referendum, self-determination, Morocco.