Revue des Sciences Humaines & Sociales
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 135-152

Le Processus Cartographique Et L’interférence Des Savoirs: Le Conflit Territorial Relatif à La Tribu Des Fraichich Lors De L’établissement De La Frontière Algéro-tunisienne Au Xixe Siècle

Auteurs : Houda Baïr .


In the XIXth century, the development of the cartography has been in connection with the process of the colonial expansion: the country which colonized had to define the territorial limits of its new territory. But, during a long time, the borders between French Algeria and Tunisia were imprecise because of the conflicts between France and Tunisian tribes. This contribution analyses the case of the tribe of the Fraichich in order to study the frontier “in process” and to understand how the members of this tribe have learned mapping. On the basis of this example, it is possible to observe the relations between European and indigenious abilities and to explain why a map is a tool of power in the context of the boundary and the political .organization of a territory

Mots clés

Colonial Borders, Fraichich tribe, .19e Century ,Cartography, Algeria, Tunisia