مجلة علوم الإنسان والمجتمع
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 367-395

Digital Repositories’ Discovery Services: Between Opportunities And Challenges

Authors : Mettai Khaled . Boumarafi Behdja .


in recent years many tools and platforms have been developed to improve and optimize discoverability and accessibility and enhance the search process to enrich the search results. The web searching process has undergone important changes such as the OPACS and Digital Repositories being adopted as discovery tools to develop the user’s perspectives in finding the resources they need. This study is carried out to evaluate the electronic information services mainly, discovery tools and their importance in the digital repositories. It also identifies the ways institutional repositories use to improve the discovery of resources in different location of those resources, to be discovered and retrieved by users to meet their information needs.


: discovery tools, institutional repositories, resources discovery, web-based searching, Algerian repositories