مجلة الدراسات التجارية والاقتصادية المعاصرة
Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 96-106

Global Trade In Counterfeit Products - Facts & Solutions

Authors : Hadj Ali Nora . Fouka Fatima .


According to the report issued by international organizations such as OCDE, the counterfeit goods market has grown significantly in the past few years, the latest analysis shows, the value of this market amounts to 3.5%of global trade, at an amount of 540 billion $. According to the same reports, many factors contributed to encouraging these exchanges, such as the encouragement of some political regimes, the weakness of legislative systems, and the deterioration of purchasing power. Through this paper, we will try to research the sources of financing the counterfeit goods industry, the international trade routes that it takes, and the reasons that work to develop it. We will also work to clarify the negative effects of the affected industries such as footwear clothing and electrical machinery.


counterfeit products ; international trade ; trade in counterfeit