Volume 13, Numéro 1, Pages 3333-3341

Production Performances Of The Poultry-laying Sector In Algeria: Data Analysis Of An Table Eggs Production Complex

Authors : Belaid-gater Nadia . Mouhous Azeddine . Saidj Dahia . Kadi Si Ammar .


Subject description: In Algeria, the fluctuation of the quantities produced of eggs for consumption in time and space is one of the causes of the instability of prices on the market of this highly demanded commodity. One of the main causes of this fluctuation is the mastery of the technical management of farms. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the level of technical management of laying hens through the study of zootechnical performances over a period of 15 years in a specialised industrial rearing complex. Methods: End-of-band results, weekly data sheets and rearing registries have been used to create the database containing the performance of more than 1.4 million layers. Results: The results showed that the production duration varies from 42 to 64 weeks. Average mortality rate was very high (around 26%). Average feed consumption per hen was higher than 113 g/hen/day, average feed consumption per cycle was 63.41±0.81 Kg/hen/cycle and conversion index 2.57±0.23. Average egg broken rate was 0.85 ± 0.64%, eggs production per starting laying hen varied from one band to another, which strongly affected average egg laying rate that was 73.43 ± 3.99%, egg laying rate achieved at peak laying was 89.68 ± 6.01%. Conclusion: The level of performance in this center is close to the standard performances of the strains and satisfactory compared to that obtained in some regions in Algeria.


hens ; breeding ; table eggs ; strains ; performance ; feed