مجلة التكامل في بحوث العلوم الاجتماعية والرياضية
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 145-162

Biograhy Of Sheikh Abdullahi Bin Fodio And The Structure Of Governance In His Light

Authors : Dallari Abdulmumini Mohammed . Baba Gonimi Babakaka .


This paper titled: “biography of sheikh Abdullahi Bin Fodio and the structure of government in his light” aims at finding out the ideas of Sheikh Abdullahi Bin Fodio’s structure of government in his light. The study pinpoints out his biography covering his early life, his educational background, his scholarly works, and political career. The study also highlights the structure of government by sheikh as: the caliphate, wazir, and the Qadi of his time. The researchers use historical approaches in conducting this research. Findings have revealed that Sheikh Abdullahi Bin Fodio through his unique government system in Sokoto Caliphate aimed to create a just and equitable society where the rule of law was upheld. The system was characterized by consultation, accountability, justice, and designed to ensure that the welfare of the people was prioritized.


Sheikh Abdullahi Bin Fodio ; Biography ; Governance ; Syatem; Nigeria