مجلة العلوم الانسانية
Volume 23, Numéro 1, Pages 1303-1314

اثر السياسة الضريبية على الاستثمار

Authors : Hamrit Rachid .


The impact of the tax policy on investment is evident in the various tax factors that positively affect the growth of investment. As we know that the authority can use the tax system as a tool to attract investment by reducing tax rates with the aim of encouraging domestic investment as well as foreign investment, which will positively affect the entry of foreign investors to establish their businesses and companies. Productivity, service, as well as tourism, which countries have in eliminating unemployment and increasing the monetary mass in hard currency, which gives the authority the opportunity to exploit this huge amount of wealth by redirecting it to other sectors that need that money.


Tax, investment, Tax policy, tax system, foreign investment