Revue d'économie et de statistique appliquée
Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 24-38

دراسة وتقييم مستوى ممارسة التطبيقات التكنوهيكلية بالبنوك التجارية

الكاتب : بن عودة مصطفى .


This study dealt with the issue of Studying and evaluating of the level of practicing Technostructural applications in commercial banks, and This study was tested in the banking sector in the city of Djelfa, represented by seven banks, six of which are public and one private. The study was applied to a sample of (19) employees, out of a study population of (88) employees. The study concluded to a set of results including the following: The high level of practicing of the Technostructural applications among workers in commercial banks. The high level of practicing of the organizational change and job design among workers in commercial banks. The level of practicing of the organizational structure dimension was average among workers in commercial banks. The most practiced of technological applications are as follows: Organizational change, job design, organizational structure.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Technostructural applications, Commercial banks, City of Djelfa