مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 5, Numéro 18, Pages 175-187
الكاتب : الواعر صبرينة .
The steps pursued by the French administration to try to control the Algerians, and in order to achieve the sovereignty of the country; is to work on the knowledge and study social their structure, and cultural, where emerged a number of writers and travelers who embarked on the study of Algerian society, and this since the early years of the occupation. We'll take care in our study the trips to east of Algeria, exactly the city of Constantine. Our study will be concerned with social class was part of the civil society of the city, and we mean our word class Jews, what is their image in the imagination of writers and travelers the French? And to what extent these according to clarify the Jews in the development and their interaction with the community?
French administration; knowledge;travelers; Algerian society;Constantine;social class; Jews;travelers the French
صـالـح حيمـــر
ص 76-95.
حصاد عبد الصمد
قرين مولود
ص 131-145.
شـارف رقيـة
ص 53-62.
رابحي محمد
أجقو علي
ص 727-742.