مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 5, Numéro 18, Pages 154-174

المدرسة الكتانية بقسنطينة صرح ثقافي يصارع النِّسيان.

الكاتب : قاصري محمد السعيد .


This study is the definition of one of the cultural institutions in Constantine under Ottoman rule, and exactly durnig Saleh Bey era ( 1771 – 1792). This institution is El- Kettanya school. Founded by Saleh Bey in 1775. and after the French occupation of Constantine in 1837 Around the school to Franco- Arab school in 1850. Also included in the students' strike in May 19 th 1956. After independence, El-Kettanya school named different names and it had a many functions as University Academy of East, and Imams Center Formation.

الكلمات المفتاحية

cultural institutions;Constantine; Ottoman rule;Saleh Bey era ( 1771 – 1792); El- Kettanya school