Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 499-512

Tasleḍ Tazγenmettit N Tmedyazt N Tfaskiwin: Amedya N Yisefra N Takfarinas N At Ceɛban N Tfaska N Udrar N Fad

Auteurs : Maouchi Nawal . Kherdouci Hassina .


Sociocritical is based on the social study of literary text, and it depends on the range of basic concepts such as text society and reference society. We have chosen to study the festivals’poetry in order to extract the characteristics of textual society and sociograms, which are dominant in this poetry, by following Claude Duchet’s theory.

Mots clés

festival of Adrar n Fad ; sociocritical ; text society ; sociograms