فصل الخطاب
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 341-348

An Analytical Overview Of The U.s War On Terror: Conceptualization And Double Standards

Authors : Lakhdar Toumi Asma . Larbi Youcef Abdeldjalil .


Since its ascent as a global power, following World War II, United States has placed a high value on Middle East region. However, numerous subsequent international developments since the 1980s have had a considerable effect on U.S foreign policy to protect its burgeoning interests in the area. Nevertheless, the events of 09/11/2001 are considered the major turning point in the American history that led United States to rethink its policy adopting “War on Terror” as a new strategic pillar and highly important objective, justifying all means and that include direct military intervention and pre-emptive strike. Thus, this paper analyses this U.S adopted strategy to see whether United States seeks to ensure, through its war on terror, the maximum of worldwide peace and security, or, it is just another means to legalize this new policy that goes only in accordance with what fits and ensures the U.S dominance and interests and those of its strategic allies.


09-11 Attacks ; Middle East ; Counter-Terrorism ; U.S Policy ; Pre-emptive Strike