مجلة دراسات في علم نفس الصحة
Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 37-54

Stress, Coping And Proactive Coping: A Historical Review Of Construct And Development, Algeria As A Model Of Research.

Auteurs : Gherara Lakhdar . Zenad Dalila .


Have you experienced a stressful event? Surely you are not alone, there is no one who has not been exposed to a certain situation and was under severe stress in which all instincts were under acute alert. The truth about which no two disagree is our different response to these stressful stimuli to which we are exposed. In the traditional literature of psychology, the focus will be on negative states to compensate for loss, mitigate damage, or reduce distress, which are derived mainly from the perspective of coping that Lazarus and Folkman established. These are strategies that are used immediately after experiencing stress, the resolution of which is usually a lifelong companion of a person (which is usually a tax that accompanies a person for life). The evolution of terms stress and coping has been from the medical and social science literature to psychological research spanning from the 1950s to the present. Modern research on stress and coping has given a more positive concept than in traditional coping, as it is more future-oriented, where the management of goals, for this proactive coping is to build forces and general efforts to facilitate the path towards difficult goals and personal growth. The present study adopted a theoretical model to understand the crystallization of the concept of stress and coping, discuss theoretical implications, as well as suggestions for future research.

Mots clés

Proactive Coping ; Stress ; Coping ; Proactive Coping Inventory (PCI) ; Model