مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 5, Numéro 20, Pages 315-328

اندلاع الثورة التحريرية الجزائرية بالمنطقة الثالثة، ومظاهر من التآزر التاريخي بينها وبين المناطق الثورية الأخرى.

الكاتب : حسيني عائشة .


Exposed in this article to the outbreak of the Algerian revolution editorial third conditions in the region, and the manifestations of the historical synergy between them and the Revolutionary other regions, especially the fourth region by virtue of the proximity between them and their auspices to the nation's capital. Where the third and fourth district occupies in the revolution an important strategic location ,Making it to unify and coordinate the work of the Revolutionary important thing at the beginning of the editorial of the Algerian revolution to make it successful and deliver the goal of the revolution to the advanced stage, it has made the issue of unity of purpose, and common destiny, and faith in the fairness of the national cause, with serious thinking in lost national sovereignty since more than a century and a half, and a strong motivation behind the unity between the leaders of the revolution Algerian, before all other considerations of any kind, shape, and this is what is the extent of awareness of the leaders of the revolution, the unity of the Algerian national cause, and perhaps the most prominent manifestations of synergy and cooperation The crowning success in starting the revolution contract Alsomam Conference, which was preparing his fourth mandate, to be held in the third term, is the conference's first and largest historic event important in the beginning of the revolution, catching and systems of the revolution, and succeeded where the leaders of the revolution in overseeing the organization and node in the third district collaboration with Fourth province.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Algerian revolution;manifestations;historical synergy;proximity; strategic