El-Tawassol التواصل
Volume 26, Numéro 1, Pages 194-202
Authors : Bouharrour Karima .
Abstract The re-writing of Algerian history from the female perspective comes as a response to masculine domination and the occultation of women’s participation in the resistance to colonialism in Algerian official history. Djebar’s re-writing of Algerian history sets upside down the social hierarchy in order to allow the “subaltern” females to have their say and to dismantle the neo-patriarchal system hindering the redefinition of selfhood and the place and role of women.
Assia Djebar ; L’Amour, La fantasia ; history ; memory ; postcolonialism ; selfhood
Arezki Dalila
pages 129-136.
Loudiyi Mourad
pages 256-278.
Faid Salah
pages 1-18.
Slahdji Dalil
pages 61-76.