المجلة الأورومتوسطية لاقتصاديات السياحة و الفندقة
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 100-115

Tourism Supply In Djelfa- Algeria

Authors : Belli Zoubida .


The tourism supply is the cornerstone for the advancement of the tourism industry, and its design according to the needs and capabilities of the organization is mainly related to the area in which the activity is located. The tourism offer differs from one region to another and from one country to another. However, it is directly linked to the visitor attraction, which depends on the identification and type of resources. After our visit to the administrative headquarters of Djelfa, Directorate of Tourism and Traditional Industry of the State of Djelfa and some tourism agencies and Travel, also some local associations, we found that: In Djelfa, the tourism supply is rich with natural and human resources, but without being used in the development of the sector, especially with regard to the serious lack of facilities and structure and the limited activities of tourism and travel agencies on the organization of external flights without Interior, so that we have recorded a serious lack in the tourist activities in the state. We have also noted that, despite the major tourist programs of the Ministry of Tourism and traditional Industries, there is little activity for local authorities, but no tourism activity in the State of Djelfa.


Tourism Supply ; Visitor Attraction ; Djelfa ; Algeria