مجلة أسلوبيّات
Volume 2, Numéro 2, Pages 22-36

جماليّاتُ الأسلوبِ العرفانيّ في نصّ للحلاّج: قراءةٌ بينيةٌ في ضوء تضافر التخصصات

الكاتب : أحمد محمد ويس .


يستند هذا البحث إلى قناعة بأ ّن مبدأ تضافر التخ ّصصات في تحليل الظواهر هو من أنجع المبادئ التي يمكن للناقد أن يعتمدها في مقاربة نصوص الأدب على اختلاف أنواعها، وذلك بالنظر إلى ما يتّسم به موضوع الأدب من اتساع كبير جّدا حتى وجدنا رولان بارت ( )1980-1915يعّرف الأدب بأنه "خطا ٌب موضوعه العالَ"1 ورأينا تيودور أدورنو ( )1969-1903يقول إ ّن الف ّن -والأدب جزءٌ منه- "هو الدنيا بصورة معادة" .2وبالنظر إلى هذا الاتساع الكبير لموضوع الأدب فقد احتيج في مقاربته إلى تضافر جملة من التخ ّصصات لتكون المقاربة ناجعةً ومثمرة This research depends on the principle of interdisciplinary analysis in the analysis of phenomena as one of the most important principles that a critic can adopt in analyzing literary texts of all kinds, and the reason for this is that the subject of literature is very broad, which Roland Barthes (1915-1980) expressed when he said literature is a discourse Its subject is universal. It was expressed by Theodor Adorno (1903-1969), who said that art - and literature is a part of it - "is the world in a recycled form". We wanted to test, in our own way, how to apply the principle of interdependence of disciplines in analyzing a short poetic text of a mystic, ascetic, and philosopher poet, and people differed in it, ancient and modern, and some of them spoke about his belief, and his end was tragic in the year 309 AH, and this is Al-Hussein bin Mansour Al-Hallaj. The nature of the research necessitated that we first verify the selected poetic text by referring to its original sources, and then proceed to analyze it from within and from outside in a kind of “free reading” that does not adhere to a specific method, but rather benefits from various sciences and knowledge such as stylistics, text sciences and discourse analysis. pragmatics, semiotics, interpretation, and others, as well as benefiting from other disciplines such as jurisprudence and gnostics; As each of these sciences and knowledge can serve the text from a certain angle or in a particular part, and this is what we expect to appear in this paper.

الكلمات المفتاحية

الجماليات، العرفان، الأسلوب، النص، الحلاج، الدراسات البينية