مجلة العلوم والخبرة وتكنولوجية النشاط البدني والرياضي
Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 109-116

Evaluation Of The Explosive Force Characteristic Of Arms And Legs Among The Handball Players U 19

Authors : Foukia Irahim . Chakour Larbi . Mahor Bacha Sabira .


Summary : Our study aimed to evaluate the explosive strength of the lower and upper limbs in young handball players (u 19 years old) during the preparatory period; using the most commonly used field tests in handball (medicine ball throwing; horizontal and vertical jumping), Our descriptive study was practiced on a sample of 147 young handball players taken from a population of 287 of the u 19 handball teams who play in (excellence; national 1.2 western region). From the analysis of the test results, it was deduced that: - There is a closeness and rapprochement between young handball players under the age of 19 from Algerian teams playing in the advanced divisions in terms of some of the requirements of explosive strength. - This proximity and rapprochement between young handball players under 19 reflects the great interest shown by trainers in this category for this type of test. For this, we ask to apply our study on other samples and on other varied notifications in order to show and make appear its effectiveness in all circumstances and all variables. The key words: -


evaluation; explosive force; handball; category u19