مجلة دراسات في سيكولوجية الانحراف
Volume 7, Numéro 3, Pages 411-429

التفاؤل والتشاؤم وعلاقتهما بجودة الحياة لدى المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا

الكاتب : اسماعيل جرجيس مؤيد . نوري إسماعيل مژدة .


إستهدف الباحثان في البحث الحالي التعرف على مستويات التفاؤل والتشاؤم وجودة الحياة ودلالة الفروق الإحصائية للمقاييس الثلاثة وفقا للجنس وفئات العمر والتحصيل الدراسي والعلاقة الإرتباطية بين المقاييس الثلاثة لدى عينة متكونة من (150) فردا ، (68) من المصابين بجائحة كورونا ، و(82) من غير المصابين بجائحة كورونا. ومن أجل تحقيق أهداف البحث اعتمد الباحثان على مقياسي التفاؤل والتشاؤم (لأنصاري ،2002) ومقياس جودة الحياة لـ (جمال ، 2016). وتم حساب الصدق الظاهري للمقاييس الثلاثة وكانت نسبة إتفاق الخبراء والمحكمين على فقرات المقاييس الثلاثة هي (80 %) فأكثر مع حذف وتعديل بعض الفقرات للمقاييس الثلاثة وذلك لتكيفها مع عينة البحث . وبعد ذلك تم حساب الثبات بطريقة التجزئة النصفية وكانت قيمة الثبات لمقياس التفاؤل هي (0.84) ولمقياس التشاؤم هي(0.78) ولمقياس جودة الحياة هي (0.68). وبعد تطبيق المقاييس الثلاثة سوية على عينتي البحث ومعالجة البيانات بإستخدام (spss) أظهرت النتائج :.1وجود مؤشرات لتمتع أفراد العينة بالتفاؤل وجودة الحياة ، ومؤشرات أقل من التشاؤم ..2عدم وجود مؤشرات لفروق دالة بين الذكور والإناث من المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا للتفاؤل والتشاؤم وجودة الحياة ، ماعدا أفراد عينة الغير المصابين والتي فيها عينة الذكور أكثر تشاؤما من الإناث. .3وجود مؤشرات التمتع بالتفاؤل بصورة متساوية بين المصابين وغير المصابين من أفراد العينة وفقا للعمر. وفئة العمر (21 - 25) سنة أكثر تشاؤما من بقية الفئات من المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا . وفئة العمر (41 - فأكثر) سنة لدى المصابين بجائحة كورونا يتمتعون بجودة الحياة بمستوى أعلى من بقية الفئات. .4في متغير التحصيل الدراسي فئة (المعهد) من المصابين بجائحة كورونا وفئة (متوسطة وأقل) من غير المصابين يتمتعون بالتفاؤل بمستوى أعلى من بقية الفئات من المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا. وفئة التحصيل الدراسي (الكلية - فأكثر) من المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا أكثر تشاؤما من بقية الفئات. .5 وجود علاقة إرتباطية موجبة بين جودة الحياة والتفاؤل لدى المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا ، وعلاقة إرتباطية سالبة بين جودة الحياة والتشاؤم لدى المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا. وفي ضوء النتائج قدم الباحثان بعض التوصيات والمقترحات.

الكلمات المفتاحية

The researchers aimed in the current research to identify the levels of optimism, pessimism, quality of life and the significance of the statistical differences for the three scales according to ______________________ * المؤلف المراسل . التفاؤل والتشاؤم وعلاقتهما بجودة الحياة لدى المصابين وغير المصابين بجائحة كورونا مؤيد إسماعيل جرجيس حمد ، مژدة نوري إسماعيل gender, age & academic achievement groups. And the correlation between the three scales in a sample consisting of (150) individuals, (68) of those infected with the Corona pandemic, and (82) of those without the Corona pandemic. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers relied on the scales of optimism and pessimism, which prepared by (AL-Ansari, 2002) and on the scale of quality of life which prepared by (Jamal, 2016). The face validity of the scales was calculated, and the percentage of agreement of experts on the items of the three scales was (80%) and more. with the deletion and modification of some items for the three scales in order to adapt them to the research sample. Then the stability was calculated by using the split-half method. The stability value of the optimism scale is (0.84), and of the pessimism scale is (0.78), and of the quality of life scale is (0.68). After applying the three scales together on the two research samples and data processing by using (spss), the results showed: 1. There are indicators of optimism and quality of life for the sample members, and less pessimism indicators.2 There are no indications of significant differences between males and females infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic for optimism, pessimism and quality of life. Except for the uninfected sample, in which the male sample is more pessimistic than the female sample. 3. Existence of indicators of optimism equally among the infected and uninfected members of the sample according to age. And the age group (21-25) is more pessimistic than the other groups of age of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. And the age group (41 - and over) years among those infected with the Corona pandemic enjoys a higher quality of life than the other groups. 4. In the variable of academic achievement, the category (institute) of those infected with the Corona pandemic and the category (middle school and lower) of those not infected, enjoy optimism at a higher level than the other groups of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. And the academic achievement category (college - and more) of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic is more pessimistic than the other groups. 5. There is a positive correlation between the quality of the life and optimism among those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic, and a negative correlation between the quality of the life and pessimism among those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. In light of the results, the researchers Presented some recommendations and suggestions. Keywords: optimism ; pessimism ; quality of life ; corona pandemic infected ; not infected with the corona pandemic. ; التفاؤل ؛ التشاؤم ؛ جودة الحياة ؛ المصاب بجائحة كورونا ؛ غير مصاب بجائحة كورونا ; gender, age & academic achievement groups. And the correlation between the three scales in a sample consisting of (150) individuals, (68) of those infected with the Corona pandemic, and (82) of those without the Corona pandemic. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers relied on the scales of optimism and pessimism, which prepared by (AL-Ansari, 2002) and on the scale of quality of life which prepared by (Jamal, 2016). The face validity of the scales was calculated, and the percentage of agreement of experts on the items of the three scales was (80%) and more. with the deletion and modification of some items for the three scales in order to adapt them to the research sample. Then the stability was calculated by using the split-half method. The stability value of the optimism scale is (0.84), and of the pessimism scale is (0.78), and of the quality of life scale is (0.68). After applying the three scales together on the two research samples and data processing by using (spss), the results showed: 1. There are indicators of optimism and quality of life for the sample members, and less pessimism indicators.2 There are no indications of significant differences between males and females infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic for optimism, pessimism and quality of life. Except for the uninfected sample, in which the male sample is more pessimistic than the female sample. 3. Existence of indicators of optimism equally among the infected and uninfected members of the sample according to age. And the age group (21-25) is more pessimistic than the other groups of age of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. And the age group (41 - and over) years among those infected with the Corona pandemic enjoys a higher quality of life than the other groups. 4. In the variable of academic achievement, the category (institute) of those infected with the Corona pandemic and the category (middle school and lower) of those not infected, enjoy optimism at a higher level than the other groups of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. And the academic achievement category (college - and more) of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic is more pessimistic than the other groups. 5. There is a positive correlation between the quality of the life and optimism among those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic, and a negative correlation between the quality of the life and pessimism among those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. In light of the results, the researchers Presented some recommendations and suggestions. Keywords: optimism ; pessimism ; quality of life ; corona pandemic infected ; not infected with the corona pandemic ; The researchers aimed in the current research to identify the levels of optimism, pessimism, quality of life and the significance of the statistical differences for the three scales according to ; gender, age & academic achievement groups. And the correlation between the three scales in a sample consisting of (150) individuals, (68) of those infected with the Corona pandemic, and (82) of those without the Corona pandemic. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researchers relied on the scales of optimism and pessimism, which prepared by (AL-Ansari, 2002) and on the scale of quality of life which prepared by (Jamal, 2016). The face validity of the scales was calculated, and the percentage of agreement of experts on the items of the three scales was (80%) and more. with the deletion and modification of some items for the three scales in order to adapt them to the research sample. Then the stability was calculated by using the split-half method. The stability value of the optimism scale is (0.84), and of the pessimism scale is (0.78), and of the quality of life scale is (0.68). After applying the three scales together on the two research samples and data processing by using (spss), the results showed: 1. There are indicators of optimism and quality of life for the sample members, and less pessimism indicators.2 There are no indications of significant differences between males and females infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic for optimism, pessimism and quality of life. Except for the uninfected sample, in which the male sample is more pessimistic than the female sample. 3. Existence of indicators of optimism equally among the infected and uninfected members of the sample according to age. And the age group (21-25) is more pessimistic than the other groups of age of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. And the age group (41 - and over) years among those infected with the Corona pandemic enjoys a higher quality of life than the other groups. 4. In the variable of academic achievement, the category (institute) of those infected with the Corona pandemic and the category (middle school and lower) of those not infected, enjoy optimism at a higher level than the other groups of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. And the academic achievement category (college - and more) of those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic is more pessimistic than the other groups. 5. There is a positive correlation between the quality of the life and optimism among those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic, and a negative correlation between the quality of the life and pessimism among those infected and not infected with the Corona pandemic. In light of the results, the researchers Presented some recommendations and suggestions. Keywords: optimism ; pessimism ; quality of life ; corona pandemic infected ; not infected with the corona pandemic.