مجلة البحوث و الدراسات الإنسانية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 191-210

الـبناء الـقِيَمي للمواطنـة عنـد الـمراهقين: دراسة مقارنـة.

الكاتب : جنـــــــــادي ـــــــــــاء .


Citizenship means to be active and responsible. Aperso who shows interest to questions which concern the community or the state and who reacts to others to achieve commo objectives. In this context, could young delinquents sheave as citizens? even if they don’t have the legal status of a good citizen. The central question of this study is to what extent the young delinquents give importance to citizenship.

الكلمات المفتاحية

citizenship- value- adolescence- delinquency.