مجلة المنتدى للدراسات والابحاث الاقتصادية
Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 889-902

The Effect Of Oil Prices Volatility On The Expansion Of Oil Exporting Countries' Economies

Authors : Elias Elhannani Farah .


This study aims to shed light on The impact of oil price fluctuations on the growth of the economies of oil-exporting countries, since Changes in the price of oil have a significant impact on world economic growth. This study has found that these fluctuations have an impact on oil exporting nations in two different ways: the first is positive because of rising financial returns, which leads to higher economic growth across all sectors; the second is considered adverse because of falling financial returns and an accompanying decline in economic growth rates


oil prices ; economic growth ; oil-exporting countries ; price fluctuations