Volume 22, Numéro 2, Pages 239-252

Translating Frozen Expressions Case Study Of Translating ‘al- Zilzaal’ ( The Earthquake) By Tahar Wattar From Arabic Into French By Marcel Bois And English By William Granara

Authors : Agti Abdelaziz .


This study is interested in translating frozen expressions. The aim is to determine the difficulties translators may face when translating these frozen expressions and the translation procedure most used to deal with them. It focuses on the problem of understanding the mechanisms of the functioning of these expressions in terms of being culture-bound and metaphorical. This makes their understanding in the source language difficult and their reproduction in the target language a hard task because of the lack of equivalence. This may be the main reason for conducting this study to identify frozen expressions translation difficulties. The study adopts a descriptive comparative method to deal with a corpus of 19 Arabic frozen expressions extracted from Tahar Wattar’s novel " الزلزال " “Al- Zilzaal” (The Earthquake ) and their equivalents in both French and English. The results reveal that translating frozen expressions is problematic. The translation procedure most used in translating frozen expressions is literal translation.


translating ; frozen expressions ; procedure ; equivalents ; mechanisms