Algerian journal of economic performance
Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 37-48

L’entretien Professionnel, Un Outil Au Service Du Developpement Des Performances Des Ressources Humaines

Auteurs : Nardjes Frioua Ep Zeghmati .


The interview is an exchange, which happened generally during the year, usually between two people in a hierarchical relationship. This exchange is more or less permissive or guided. The annual performance evaluation measures the performance of the employee through the activities defined in the position held, the results achieved against objectives and job performance mobilized. The objective of this paper is to show that the assessment interview is for the manager, one of the effective management tools to assess and evaluate the efforts of employees. Considered as a decision support tool for actions HRM maintenance assessment allows both, to take on the performance of HRM and to identify the challenges and evaluate the progress and potential

Mots clés

Interview, Evaluation, Performance, HRM