FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ
Volume 12, Numéro 2, Pages 366-384

آليات الحجاج في عناوين مجالس التذكير من كلام الحكيم الخبير لعبد الحميد بن باديس

الكاتب : بوفامة سارة .


The arguments mechanisms in the reminding council titles from the wise expert words of Abdelhamid Ben Badis Emir The writers’ aim is to persuade the reader according to the variety of texts. “The reminding Council” is an exegesis text of the holy Quran from which are extracted the dispositions and rules that Ibn Badis and the reformers sought to transfer from theoretical books to practical aspects of life in order to face the conflicts with France and the partisans of integration. As ignorance was the major enemy is ignorance, Ibn Badis sought in the construction of his texts to attract the readers and then to persuade them via the emotional or rational argument or by both of them. To achieve his aims, Ibn Badis planned and used text parts before getting into the text by choosing accurately the titles supported by the arguments’ mechanisms and the persuasion tools.

الكلمات المفتاحية

مجالس التذكير- الحجاج - الاستقطاب - أدوات الاقناع