الأسرة والمجتمع
Volume 10, Numéro 1, Pages 363-376

The Value Change Among Algerian Youth Between Acquisition And Abandonment

Authors : Abed Hoda .


The study of value change is one of the most important studies that may be conducted on a society, on a group that represents the majority in it, and the source of social change in it, and it is the youth, and this is because the values are extremely important in building an individual first, then the group second, then society as a whole. Third, the values are one of the directives and determinants of the social act upon which the various social relationships are built, and the process of penalty or punishment, the process of development or regression, modernity or originality, against which it faces internal and external challenges is built upon, either to enhance its existence, or execute it. Or make it mate with other extraneous values, or the so-called values of incoming modernity, and this is what happens in Algerian society, which still lives its cultural dualism, which is reflected on all aspects of life in it, with all its advantages and disadvantages.


value change ; youth ; modernity ; originality ; cultural dualism