Volume 19, Numéro 2, Pages 7-32

Water Resource Systems Analysis Based On The Combination Of Multifunctional Nature Of Water And The Dynamics Of Territorial Rebalancing

Authors : Rouissat Bouchrit . Smail Nadia .


The analysis of complex systems, in particular the water resources system, must necessarily take into account the typologies of relationships between uses, the joint concept of water and territory, which cannot be dissociated from the hydrographic basin entity. In the management of water resources, the systemic concept adds to the concept of "water management" the notions of organization, interdependence, prioritization, coordination and integration. The necessary systemic explorations take into account the needs, requirements, constraints and responsibilities of actors and stakeholders linked to planning scales and strategic decisions. They make it possible to produce and select indicators for evaluating its performance as well as a management analysis of the requirements linked to this performance and conditioning their efficiency. Based on these concepts and considerations, this paper focuses on the Tafna system, located in northwest Algeria, with the assessment of trends in the evolution of water resources. The influence of these trends was then compared with the directives of the national land use planning plan scheduled for 2030 and based on a spatial distribution by planning area. The resource balances produced at the scale of the hydrographic entity were used for the proposal of efficiency actions encompassing uses and users.


Systems ; water resources ; Tafna ; management ; efficiency