Journal Algérien des Régions Arides
Volume 14, Numéro 2, Pages 95-102

Weed Plants Diversity Under Ziban Palm Groves’ Ecosystem. Algerian Sahara

Authors : Nacima Deghiche_diab . Samira Karoune . Tesnim Deghiche .


The current study highlights some knowledge on the importance of weeds plants in Ziban oasis ecosystem in Biskra region. In total, 300 species were sampled with dominance of dicots (250 species) where Asteraceae (40 species) were dominants. Monocots include 50 species, mainly represented by Poaceae (30 species). The biological spectrum was dominated by annual species (75%) in comparison to the biannual and perennial species. Their distribution varied according to seasons and sampling sites from palm groves, it was greatest at El Kantara palm grove (170 species) and Ain Ben Noui palm groves (130 species) followed by far by Sidi Okba (98 species) palm groves. Their distribution according to seasons was marked by the significant average richness during spring (4.3) and summer time (2.7), while it was lowest during autumn (0.8) and winter period. Results of ecological analysis indicate that the most abundant species was from Caryophyllaceae, Brassicaceae and Fabaceae families.


Biodiversity ; weeds plants ; Ziban palm groves ; Distribution ; Diversity

The Date Palm Mite (boufaroua) Control Constraints And Their Impact On The Development Of The Date Palm Sector In Biskra, Algeria

Nia Billal .  Mehenni Mokhtar .  Rekis Abdelkrim .  Roumani Messaoud .  Ben Salah Mohamed Kamel .  Ben Sayeh Faiza .  Benouamane Ourida . 
pages 7-11.