Traduction et Langues
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 132-139

ضوابط وحدود حضور الصورة في ضوء التصور الإسلامي لأدب الأطفال/ Constraints And Limits Of The Presence Of Pictures In The Light Of The Islamic Perception Of Children's Literature

الكاتب : Medjahad Sabah .


The picture or the drawings accompanying the narrative text occupy an important place in the complete process of literary and artistic creativity for children, as it contributes greatly to enhancing the child's visual sense and expanding his imagination and perceptions, especially in the stage prior to his learning to read. From here, most of the writers of the narrative text, through these drawings and pictures, send an indirect invitation to the child through which he tempts his inclinations and draws his attention to reading the narrative text and enjoying it. This is the case because the first thing that attracts the child in any literary work or book are the bright and charming drawings and colors. Writers specializing in children's literature, including drawings and pictures, are a suggestive language that carries in its forms and colors moral, educational, national and religious messages. It is facilitated by the presence of the ideas and meanings of the child. In view of the position occupied by the image in children’s literature, it was necessary to take into account in its presence a set of criteria and standards, in order to be acceptable and convincing, and in agreement with the nature of the target group (children). In accordance with its cultural and religious specificities, the call of the pioneers of Islamic children’s literature to the need to adhere to the principles of Islam and its teachings in stories directed to children. As a basis for building the child’s entity mentally, psychologically, emotionally, and behaviorally, it adopted a set of visions, controls, and rules through which the truth of the picture accompanies the narrative text and its characteristics in the light of the Islamic conception.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Children’s stories, Islamic literature, narrative construction, stories.