السياسة العالمية
Volume 6, Numéro 1, Pages 1437-1451

Tourism Development In Algerian Border Regions: Intersectional Margins Inside-oued Souf As A Model-

Authors : Bentaleb Sami .


This study aims to analyze tourism in border areas, taking Oued Souf Governorate in Algeria as a model, focusing on local potential and interaction with regional cooperation, and other factors that can have impacts on it. As research based on descriptive and analytical methods, in which tourism in this region could be framed and networked within a compulsory trend, guiding to localize and internationalize the activity. As results proved the necessity of reviewing tourism policies for border areas in context of renewed pragmatic approach, considering its relevance in sustaining development at both domestic, regional, and even at international level.


Tourism Development ; Border Regions ; Algeria ; Oued Souf ; Regional Cooperation

Agricultural Development As A Mechanism For Protecting Borders: Oued Souf Region As A Model

Mokhnane Tarek .  Adjlane Sabah .  Khiari Reguia . 
pages 113-123.