مجلة عصور الجديدة
Volume 7, Numéro 26, Pages 326-342

المقاومة المغربية للاحتلال الفرنسي: بين قوة الإرادة وضعف الإمكانيات

الكاتب : الحادك قاسم .


This study seeks to determine the subjective and objective factors which controlled the activity of the Moroccan resistance movements and made their resistance local, isolated disorganized and with limited effectiveness. Despite their violent resistance adopted against the French military forces, the large losses they caused them and forcing the French army leadership to change and modify its military plans and strategies, and their resort to the use of sophisticated military means and lethal weapons, and thereby their success to delay the colonial project for controlling Morocco and subjecting its tribes, taking advantages of the geographical and climate conditions, the means of combat and the religious enthusiasm, the Moroccan resistance movements failed to form a large-size resistance and lead a total liberal war, they did not succeed in creating a decisive change to their benefits for reasons related to the clear shortage of armament and logistics, the absence of coordination and lack of military organization and expertise.

الكلمات المفتاحية

subjective; factors;Moroccan; resistance; disorganized;French army;