مجلة القانون، المجتمع والسلطة
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 454-472

The American Jewish Lobby's Methods Of Influence On American Politics

Authors : Dadek Meriem- Dalila .


Abstract: To defend the Jewish cause throughout the world, the American Jews created a bloc of lobbyists called the American Jewish lobby, political organizations and individuals devoting themselves to lobby for the interests of the Jews. The Jewish lobby dates back to the nineteenth century, founded to speak on behalf the persecuted Jews in Europe notably the Jews of Germany, Switzerland, and Romania. Moreover, it allowed the American Jews to influence U.S. government in pro-Israel direction and strengthen the relation with Israel. However, to reach its objectives, the lobby used strategic methods as influencing law-makers, supporting presidential elections, dominating the public discourse, and sitting in the American congress. The present work, therefore, will try to define the Jewish lobby and mention the different methods used by the lobbyists to implement their political agenda.


Key words: America ; Israel ; influence; ; the Jewish Lobby ; pro- Israel.