مجلة الاستاذ الباحث للدراسات القانونية والسياسية
Volume 6, Numéro 3, Pages 17-38

Advocacy :ethics Covers Organized Aspects

Authors : Djerboua Mounira .


Law is considered as the work of morals. Moral rules and norms are the solid core and the basic building block for all laws, so that they are considered as an edifice and a pillar for creating the spirit of laws and legislations. Advocacy, as the light of justice, is based on ethics, norms and values that have made this profession superior to and above all paid professions, and these ethics have been developing and moving through the ages and moving smoothly until it became professional customs to work with, but did not stop at this point, but developed until it were regulated by legislation and took the form of legislation and became as a source of law. Whereas, ethics was the main basis and inspiring source for organizing the advocacy profession, which was derived from the global principles, and the Algerian legislator draw the idea of organizing the profession of lawyer from the prevailing global principals organizing the profession control the behavior of professionals.


Advocacy ; Lawyer ; Juatice ; Law