المجلة العلمية للتربية البدنية و الرياضية
Volume 21, Numéro 1, Pages 401-424

Muscular Lengthening And Its Effect On The Skill Of Shooting In The Focus Of Handball Players Class Less Than 10 Years Old

Authors : Oulmane Ryad . Boudjaatat Ahmed . Saiah Abderrahmane . Bourenane Cherif Mustapha .


The study aimed to Knowing the development of flexibility by proposing a training program for stretching muscular and Study the effect of it On the skill of shooting from U.S To anchor handball players under 10 years old And to achieve this This sample was subjected to a special training program after conducting pre-tests for flexibility and observing the ejection technique from the fulcrum after completing the program to study the possibility of the development that occurred on a skill, for a sample of20) player, deliberately selected from "Team Athlete Jaafar Suleiman CHERAGA class under 10 year, where the researcher used Experimental method, The results were processed by SPSS, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences between flexibility and kinetic path tests(smoothness) for shooting skill Foliation.


flexibility ; stretching ; shooting skill