حوسبة اللغة العربية
Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 66-77

الجملة بين المنظور اللساني والمنظور الآلي

الكاتب : محمد الذهبي .


If the arabic language was characterized by a diacritical system, that is seen by some people as a system that makes the process of human learning and reading difficult, then, naturally, it will be more complex for artificial intelligence, which, in turn, has advanced to the degree of self-learning and reading, and imposed itself as part from the discourse's parts in the communication process, whose parts are no longer confined to the traditional elements represented in : "The speaker-the human" and "the addressee-the human", rather it included, in addition to that "The speaker-the machine" or "the addressee-the machine", so that attention to that essential element becomes an urgent necessity in studying discourse and communication. In this context, this article comes to bring to light a new element of speech which is the sentence, in comparison between its linguistic and automatic concepts, this is in addition to presenting some of the difficulties that the machine may encounter in making a distinction between the word automatically and the sentence linguistically, before concluding the article by presenting the most important results and areas in which it can be invested.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Artificial intelligence _ the sentence linguistically _ the sentence automatically _ transitive sentence _ conditional sentence.