دراسات نفسية وتربوية
Volume 14, Numéro 2, Pages 1093-1107

Health Belief Model For Modification Etiological Beliefs About Panic Disorder Resulting Outbreaks Infection Of New Coronavirus (covid 19)

Authors : Keffane Salim .


Compensatory health beliefs and their relation to health self-regulation, the idea of health promotion is set from the philosophy that good health and outcome of the accumulative personal achievement. It includes, on the individual run, developing the health habits at an early stage. This study predicting of panic disorder with outbreaks of New Coronavirus' Health Risk in Algeria has greater attention should be paid to psychological crisis intervention among affected populations, developing health includes an intervention system aiming at helping people perform healthy practices and change those practices that damage health. Literatures indicate that individual when performing an unhealthy practice; this refers to certain health problem for example; Panic Disorder (PD) of outbreak New Coronavirus (COVID19) would lead to a change his behavior and activities a compensatory for the unhealthy behavior. The sample included 300 Underwent quarantine with suspicions of infection who participated in this study treatments of Etiological beliefs about Panic Disorder (PD). Regression analyses revealed that sex, duration of PD and Positive psychological condition, Negative behaviors that increase outbreaks (COVID 19), and Etiological beliefs about Panic Disorder (PD). Results are preliminary and further research is needed to understand more the factors that etiological beliefs about Panic Disorder (PD) resulting from outbreaks infection of new Coronavirus (COVID 19) uses Health Belief Model (HBM). In addition, the study draws important implications on others affected to overcome any psychological difficulties through using the health belief model.


New Coronavirus (COVID 19), ; Panic Disorder (PD), ; Health Belief Model (HBM)

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder Symptoms In Light The Metacognitive Beliefs

Ben Yahia Asma .  Kaddouri Youcef . 
pages 595-615.