مجلة الدراسات الإقتصادية الكمية
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 437-448

Regression Theory In Linear And Logistic Model With An Illustrated Example In Programming Language R

Authors : Medini Atmane . Aouadi :mostafa .


The validity of the model in linear theory regression, was determined through the optimal estimation of the line variation through the analysis of sediments on OLS, but if study was concerned on logistic model, a number of different statistics will have to be resorted to, such as Homs -limcho 'statistics to examining the quality of conformity ,such classification tables where there is on other statistics that's give a partial indication. and significance of the variables Interpretation. Where the study aimed to meet the regression theory between the two models while supporting the idea with an applied example in the programming language R.


Least Squares ; Linear Regression ; Logistic Model ; Homes statistics ; Coefficient