Revue d'économie et de statistique appliquée
Volume 18, Numéro 1, Pages 16-28
Authors : Zougali Radhia . Belarbi Yacine .
We develop in this paper an empirical framework to estimate the reaction function of Algeria’s Central Bank using an augmented Taylor rule. Our purpose is to test the relationship between interest rates and the stated monetary policy goals of controlling inflation and stimulating output growth. We propose the use of Kalman filter technique to estimate both the unobserved variables and the parameters of the model. Our empirical findings based on quarterly data covering the period Q1:2000 to Q1:2019 on Algerian economy, which is considered as oil dependent and a fairly dollarized small open economy, show that the Central Bank instrument doesn’t have an effect on inflation and output gap.
Monetary Policy ; Taylor Rule ; Unobserved Variables ; Kalman Filter
عياش زبير
بوسيكي حليمة
ص 145-168.
Hadji Youssouf
pages 407-432.
Hizia Hadef
• Chahida Hadef
pages 439-455.
Boussalem Aboubakr
pages 1605-1625.