مجلة العلوم الانسانية
Volume 21, Numéro 1, Pages 1138-1155

Dates Incubator: Mechanism To Support Innovation For Date Derivatives Industries, Biskra Oasis Case

Authors : Nesrine Bouzahar . Necira Okba .


Abstract:The process of searching for authentic and innovative ways to activate and stimulate the ecosystem in a balanced and sustainable way, cannot be launched by ignoring its distinctive resources; considering the oasis as an ecosystem is essentially based on palm groves in its economic, social and environmental aspects ,then the process of developing these oasis territorial , must be through the structuring and valuation of the palm wealth.The development of the oasis leadsus to the palm-derived industries.Considering that Biskra oases, which possesses the elements represented in palm cultivation, date production, and derivative industries, the development of these ingredients requires an economic mechanism that allows the generation of an advantage on the one hand, and ensures the sustainability of the Biskra oases on the other hand.


Biskra oasis ; Business incubator ; Dates derivative industries. ; Territorial green innovation

The Date Palm Mite (boufaroua) Control Constraints And Their Impact On The Development Of The Date Palm Sector In Biskra, Algeria

Nia Billal .  Mehenni Mokhtar .  Rekis Abdelkrim .  Roumani Messaoud .  Ben Salah Mohamed Kamel .  Ben Sayeh Faiza .  Benouamane Ourida . 
pages 7-11.