مجلة المنظومة الرياضية
Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 271-283

The Contribution Of Violent Arbitration To The Generation And Increase Of Violence In The Handball Courts

Authors : Gagaa Tawfiq . Berrah Hamza .


This study aimed to reveal the contribution of arbitration to the increase in violence; And to achieve the goal of the study, the questionnaire was built, in which it is in its final form of (10) paragraphs distributed into two areas (a questionnaire for the players, and a special questionnaire(Judges) and after making sure of its validity and stability, it was applied to the individuals of the sample, where the results of the hypothesis test showed that there is a statistically significant effect of the arbitration method in increasing violence, and the researcher used the descriptive approach, and the sample was randomly defined as (10) referees of the handball game, and (20) Handball player. The study concluded with a set of recommendations, the most prominent of which is the need to adopt an educational policy that adopts the principle of awareness of the importance of sporting the spirit of sports.


Violent arbitration ; Violence in stadiums ; Handball