مجلة إشكالات في اللغة و الأدب
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 1126-1143

Double Consciousness In African-american Literature Case Study : Richard Wright’s Novel Native Son

Authors : Boukerrou Lamia . Halimi Mohammed Seghir .


The main purpose of the actual work is to illustrate the effect of Double Consciousness on the deep structure of the blacks’ psyche. How does whites’ oppressive and racist gaze impact black life and destiny? And how should the blacks resist such inhuman practices and come out instead with the best of them? To achieve the desired objectives and get deeper into the concept, the masterpiece novel Native Son by Richard Wright was taken as a sample to be studied based on Du Bois’s Double Consciousness theory. The final results show that blacks’ obsession with their self -image in the eyes of the other- whites- make them wallow in severe identity trauma and crisis.


African American literature ; Double Consciousness ; black psyche ; white gaze ; self ; other