Volume 18, Numéro 1, Pages 23-42

Public Health Through The Water And Sanitation Networks: The Complex Cohabitation

Authors : Baba Hamed Samira .


The water scarcity in Algeria is a major problem difficult to solve; in addition to a changeable Mediterranean climate, low rainfall and water pollution emphasizes this problem. Oran (west of Algeria) has suffered a long period of lack of water, due to its topography, climatology and insufficient water resources. This lack has exposed the population to waterborne diseases, and the environment to a deteriorating of its "green heritage" due to the progressive degradation of fauna and flora. This study focuses on epidemiological field surveys by integrating several parameters, as water pollution at the source by the proximity of discharges, or the infiltration of wastewater into the drinking water network (cross-connection). Finally, an action plan to enhance citizens' quality of life was proposed. In measures to combat water pollution, one of the most important steps is the prevention. This action requires implication of several sectors as health, hydraulics and information. Thus, the implementation of the "Information-Education-Communication" (I.E.C) plan has proved its performance in practice by convincing results, concretized by the reduction of water-borne diseases from epidemic episodes to sporadic rare case and the protection of aquatic ecosystems on both coasts and great Sebkha of Oran.


waterborne diseases ; water pollution ; sanitation ; I.E.C plan ; littoral of Oran ; great Sebkha

Predictive Modeling Of Ozone Dosing In Drinking Water Treatment Plant Using Deep Learning Comparative Study Between Deep Neural Networks And Convolutional Neural Networks

Hellal Aouatef .  Djeddou Messaoud .  Loukam Imed .  A. Hameed Ibrahim .  Al Dallal Jehad .  Shawaqfah Moayyad . 
pages 69-83.